This coming Father’s Day Weekend

Hello my precious friends,
My dad, Kaleb and I returned late Sunday evening from our Jordan Family Reunion. What a fast but rewarding trip. Good food, fellowship, and family. I did meet one new person. His name is Red. He is a friend of my cousin. Red has recently been released from prison. His dad has been very hard on him. He shared with me some of his hurts. He told me that he has recently started attending an Assembly of God Church there in Bowie. I told him to pray for his dad regardless. He went to see his dad in the nursing home where he is recuperating from a surgery. As I told Red goodbye yesterday, I shook his hand. About 15 seconds later he came back and said, ‘ I wasn’t sure about you, but your’e a pretty cool cop and preacher.’ And then….(hold on, I have a tear welling up as I write this), Red reached up, wrapped his big burly arms around me, and squeezed me real tight. He said, ‘please remember to pray for me.’
There was much preparation into the little two day trip. I had to get someone to preach (thanks Bro. Crenshaw), someone to do the music (thanks Joe and Linda Wilburn and team), someone to work the movies, rent a motel room, travel 5 hours, etc. But you know what….IT WAS WORTH IT! There is a Red waiting out there for you too.
Saturday we have the joy of celebrating with two great people. Pat and Connie Smith will renew their Wedding vows at Cathedral at 4:00 p.m.    At 5:00 p.m. a catfish dinner will be served by Pat’s cousin.   At 7:00 p.m. our Presbyter, Rev. Gene Summers will hold the first of two meetings with us. He will also be preaching a Father’s Day message at 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Please invite men you know who need Jesus. We will believe for the anointing to rest upon Bro. Gene and the services.  
Make plans to come celebrate, bless, and be blessed in all of these events.
I’m so glad to be a part of the family of God…
In Him,
Pastor Ronnie 

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