We appreciate your donations! Those of you who let us wash your cars and trucks have once again shown your support for the programs that our youth and kids are involved in. I hope that you will continue to support us finanically as well as prayerfully! You may not think about it, but I beleive that there are special Blessings from God when we support his little ones! All of these donations will go directly towards our VBS (Aug. 4th – 8th) and back to school projects. I also want to thank those of you who have assisted us finanically in these projects, but wish to remain unknown. God see’s your good works and your Heavenly rewards will be waiting (It’s in the Bible……you can look it up!!). I want to encourage each of you to be in prayer for our VBS next week. Lynda and I do not need money for any other reason except that it is a means to an end. One soul in Heaven will have been worth all the effort. Remember to look at these kids through the eyes of Jesus. They are his creation, just like you and I. We could be the last hope for some of the least of these.
God Bless,
John and Lynda Brown
ps….if for some reason you don’t know who we are, just follow the noise, we’re there somewhere!!